If you already have your TLD(s) in Bob Wallet (as per previous instructions), this is what you need to do to transfer the TLD(s) into a multi-sig wallet

Unix/Linux "shell" commands are indicated by a leading "$", but you do not actually type the "$"

The values <BOB-API-KEY> and <BOB-WALLET-NAME> are not meant to be what you actually type in, but need to be replaced with the values you have / use.

1. Install nodejs

2. Install hs-client

$ npm i -g hs-client

3. You now need to get your Bob API-Key, so open bob, go to settings -> get API KEY

4. Run

$ export HSD_API_KEY="<BOB-API-KEY>"

5. To check everything is working, run

$ hsd-cli info

6. To get the key for your wallet, run

hsw-cli --id=<BOB-WALLET-NAME> account get default

That last command should output some information. Find the value for the item accountKey and send it to us. It should start xpub.